Fun with MA COVID-19 Reporting 30-Jul-2020 (bite-sized) part 2

The state decided to point out that "a technical reporting error by a hospital group caused a delay in its laboratory test results being reported to DPH. These newly reported test results have been included in today's dashboard report and are reflected in today's totals." Yep, that's fine, I have no trouble understanding that the 356 new confirmed and 146 new probable cases yesterday and the 304 new confirmed and 110 new probable cases today are not representative of the last day or two of cases... that's always been the case... the state finds out about new cases each day for the previous weeks and months, typically getting fewer new information as you get past 2-3 weeks back. That said, the count of new cases per day for the last 2 days jumped up by more than 90 per day and by over 100 for the previous day, bringing the now-known totals to 322 new cases on Monday, 193 new cases on Tuesday, and 95 cases on Wednesday... and these counts will likely continue to increase (though slower) for the next couple weeks.... we went 10 days in a row with a daily new case count of under 300 at the end of June ... right when we opened indoor dining.

We are nowhere near doing well in MA.

Stay safe. Stay sane. Stay informed.


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