Fun with MA COVID-19 reporting 02-Sep-2020 Greater Somerville local edition

(All average cases listed are 14-day averages and are per 100,000, which means that it's comparable between cities without regard for each city's population)
  • Arlington - Sorry to say you are continuing your trend of increasing average daily cases... 2 weeks ago it was 0.2, then last week it was 0.6... now... 1.6. Still not terrible but... you know, much like the state overall, wrong path.
  • Boston - Same as Arlington except that you started off in a worse place... going from 6.4 two weeks ago to 7.1 last week to 7.4 now. I suppose it's good that you're not increasing as quickly as you were before? Still, Boston Be Better.
  • Cambridge - 2 week trend! Of course, there was another 2-week trend on this list last week and (spoiler alert) that trend was broken and in a bad way. That said, your progression in that trend this week isn't as good as it was last week (2.5 to 1.8 to 1.6) but still, please keep it up and give us hope in our local area.
  • Chelsea (reported by request)- Good news: you've gotten a bit better going from an average of 31.9 to 29.4... bad news, you're still much higher than you were 2 weeks ago (23.9) and.. well... you're at 29.4... so that's just bad. I mean, hopefully you'll be able to continue the downward path.
  • Medford - You had a 2-week trend heading in the right direction but did an about-face and have increased again... you're not where you were 3 weeks ago (4.5) but at 4.1, you're not at the 3.6 and 3.1 of the last 2 weeks respectively. Also, you're in the yellow again now (you had been green the last 2 weeks). Anyway, you're no longer surprising me, which is a bad thing.... one should always try to surprise me especially when I so desperately want to be wrong.
  • Somerville - We are not in a bubble. 3.7 became 4.7 last week and 5.8 this week... inching closer and closer to red. I can only hope that our leaders maintain their moral leadership and push out even further our re-opening to the state's current level (which is clearly way too far).
Stay Safe. Stay Sane. Stay Informed.


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