In Response to Baker's Press Conference on 18-Nov-2020

So... let me get this straight, we're launching the first phase of our state-led COVID-19 testing initiative in schools NOW? I mean, better late than never but... it's November and Gov Baker's administration has been doing a full-court press to get EVERYBODY to go back to in-person schooling ~checks calendar~ over 3 months?

Also, Gov Baker, not for nothing but downplaying COVID-19 and your own responsibility to govern is also the kind of activity that will lead to heightened risk of the disease spreading this holiday season. Gov Baker's inability to grasp the psychology of the situation is mind blowing.  

And lastly, I like that the administration keeps saying that there's been limited spread within schools AND that we're doing really well with contract tracing and yet, if you discount places of residence, schools are in the top tier of locations where clusters are taking place and where people are getting sick. Luckily they aren't sharing where 89% of the cases are introduced (ie, if you live somewhere and you get it from someone else who lives in the same place... we still need to know HOW IT GOT INTO THE PLACE... COVID-19 isn't just floating into a building on its own).

Stay safe. Stay sane. Stay informed. Stay PISSED at Baker.


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