Study Shows Children Who Get COVID Have a 78% Increased Risk of New Onset Health Conditions

Imagine repeatedly increasing your child's risk of mental or physical health conditions... increasing the risk by around three quarters each time... maybe doing that annually or once every two years... all because we as a society aren't willing to wear masks around each other and and aren't willing to spend what it takes to improve schools' (and public buildings') air quality. How many times will an otherwise healthy child be infected before they have a neurological or mental health condition? How many times before they have a cardiovascular, respiratory, or gastrointestinal condition? The ongoing mass disabling event is not just about the elderly and those at greater risk... we are all at risk for long term impacts and the more chances you take the more at risk you are. Each time you pull the trigger (become infected) in this russian roulette is another chance to gain of a health condition you did not have before... and children will pull that trigger more times in their lifetimes (with luck) if only because they have more years remaining in their lives to become exposed. 


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