Why the Weekly Community Numbers Reported are Lower than Reality
With the map looking as bad as it does, you would think that it was likely as bad as it really is... but no, the reality is worse than the Baker administration is reporting. They're doing their math right, and I don't think I have sufficient access to check the figures to confirm that those figures are in fact the proper ones but I also have no reason to believe they would lie.... and they don't need to in order to skew the results a bit in their favor. You see, math can lie depending on what you're using to do the calculation. I have long assumed that they were comparing like to like to do their comparison to determine the quantity of new cases in the last 2 weeks. Like to like would be the known total for a city/town from on a particular day vs the same value 2 weeks later. Like to like could be other options as well, provided those numbers were equally stable. This is not the case, however. The Baker administration appears to be taking, on a single day, ...